Year: 2015
Opinion: Guns & Education Do Not Mix
by Don Saunders If the Guns-on-Campus Bill passes it would inspire a modification of Victor Hugo’s famous aphorism: “He who opens a school door, closes a prison.” Instead, we might now observe: Those who open schools to guns imprison education. Background: The Florida Board of Governors, University Police Chiefs, University Presidents, the League of Women Voters,…
Green Plant Tree Farm: Loquats on Highway 98
By Matthew Wilcox Just north of the City of Brooksville, Florida, off of Highway 98, sits a small tree farm that is owned and operated by Steve McCortney. Mr. McCortney grows a wide variety of shrubs and trees for local and regional sale. Most of all, Steve has several dozen loquat trees that he and…
Florida Loquat News – #8
Florida Loquat News No. 8 March 21, 2015 Celebrating Florida’s Urban Fruit An Ecology Florida/Friendship Farms & Fare Annual Event Here is Your Pre-Festival issue of the Florida Loquat News Florida Loquat Festival: Celebrating Florida’s Urban Fruit – April 4, 2015 – Just Two Weeks Away! – 9:00 – 2:00 Market Off Main – 6241 Lincoln St – New Port…
Throwin’ So Much Away: ‘Garbage Night’ in America
by Frank Ferreri The adage about a road paved with good intentions probably fits a good many of us in contemporary U.S.A. culture. We recycle, we prioritize the reusable, and we teach our children to take care of the planet. But for most of us, without twice-weekly trash service, we’d have more garbage in our…
Loquat Festival News – #7 – March 2015
Florida Loquat News No. 7 March 2015 Celebrating Florida’s Urban Fruit An Ecology Florida/Friendship Farms & Fare Annual Event Here is Your March issue of the Florida Loquat News Florida Loquat Festival: Celebrating Florida’s Urban Fruit Next Month April 4, 2015 – 9:00 – 2:00 – Market Off Main – 6214 Lincoln St, New Port Richey Our big event…
Defending Our Monarchs: Action Can Help Butterflies
Ecology Florida Staff Ecology Florida supports the addition of Monarchs to the Endangered Species List A timely report from Organic Consumers Association has been released with an emphatic headline: “Save the Monarch from Monsanto.” The report advocates support for a petition generated by the Center for Biological Diversity and the Center for Food Safety, which seeks protection for…
Loquat News – #6 – February
Florida Loquat News No. 6 February 2015 Celebrating Florida’s Urban Fruit An Ecology Florida/Friendship Farms & Fare Annual Event Here is Your February issue of the Florida Loquat News First Fruits Harvesting Begins Two-Year Olds Bear Sweet Fruit The first fruits of the season should be ripe and ready for harvesting. Check your trees…
Loquat Newsletter #5 – January 2015
Florida Loquat Festival News No. 5 January 2015 Celebrating Florida’s Urban Fruit An Ecology Florida/Friendship Farms & Fare Annual Event Here is Your January issue of the Florida Loquat News Your interest and support of the Florida Loquat Festival is appreciated. We continue to add new subscribers, and we look forward to adding more in…